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Ms. Lai Sau-Kwan, Dorothy   


Ms. Dorothy LAI Sau-Kwan, BA(SW), RSW, MA(Student Guidance & Counselling)   is an experienced counsellor working with children, adolescents and family members. She also received extensive training in play therapy, sand play therapy, family therapy and dynamic psychotherapy.  


Ms. Lai served as a psychological counselor for 5 years at the Breakthrough Counselling Centre where she had sound and solid clinical experience in psychological treatment. As a believer in the strength of human beings, Ms. Lai is dedicated to help people in the understanding and appreciation of their own strength and potential, and to utilize their abilities in embracing the many hardships and breakthroughs regardless of life circumstances.  


In addition to her counselling work, Ms. Lai has many years of case work experience at SARDA, Against Child Abuse, YWCA, and HK Student Aid Society.  She has also assumed different supervisory roles in counseling service.  She has been a case supervisor cum assistant superintendent at a children’s home, and has led a team to provide on-line counseling service.  


She has served adolescent delinquents, drug-abusers, child-abusers and has worked extensively with children, adolescents and adults who suffer from trauma, sexual abuse, child abuse, depression, anxiety, death and losses.  Ms. Lai has conducted workshops on the psychology of children and adolescents, parenting and courtship.  She has also trained teachers and medical workers to counsel children and adolescents.


黎秀群女士是一位經驗豐富的專業輔導員。先後在不同的輔導機構擔任個案輔導及個案督導、導師訓練等工作。 包括香港戒毒會,防止虐待兒童會,女青年會,香港學生輔助會,突破輔導中心。其間從事戒毒、防止虐兒、邊緣青少年、個人及家庭的輔導工作。



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