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Ms. Au Hiu Tong, Toni


AU Hiutong, Toni received her Master of Counselling from Monash University and has privately practised as a psychological counsellor since 2019. She encountered Sandplay Therapy in 2007 and endeavours her training on Analytical Psychology. She is also a registered MBTI administrator (Step 1 & 2) to deliver the assessment.

Toni completed her Master of Divinity from China Graduate School of Theology. She supervised pastoral caring and spiritual direction in churches; moreover, conducted pastoral counselling and coached support groups for two decades. Toni was previously a social worker with a Bachelor of Science degree.

Experiences & Areas of Interest:

  • Helping professional supports

  • Personal growth and wellness for individuals

  • Bereavement and loss

  • Emotional issues in work, family and interpersonal relationship



Toni believes that difficulties blossom the potentiality of life, individually and collectively, on behalf of wellbeing and wholeness. Therefore, she professes to reinforce the autonomies of individuals in order to treasure the embodiments.

區曉彤女士 離開社會工作者崗位後,於中國神學研究院完成道學碩士課程。接著在教會從事教牧輔導及統籌支持小組近二十年,期間曾督導教牧關懷及靈程導引。​




  • 支援輔助性專業人員

  • 個人成長

  • 過渡哀傷失喪

  • 支援情緒困擾



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